Recreating an image in 20 easy steps

Step 1: Open Adobe XD

Step 2: Create a new image and size the canvas to the width of 1080 px, and the height to be 1920 px.

Step 3: Select the rectangle tool (Shortcut: R)

Step 4: Create a rectangle that takes up the entire dimensions of the canvas (W: 1080, H: 1920)

Step 5: Set the fill color of the rectangle to black (#000000) and disable the border.

Step 6: Select the rectangle tool again and create a new rectangle that is 300px in width, and 90px in height.

Step 7: Set this rectangles color to blue (#165EEE) and select the "select" tool (Shortcut: V) to position the rectangle in the top left corner of the canvas (X:0, Y:110), and then disable the border.

Step 8: Copy (Ctrl + C) and paste (Ctrl + V) this rectangle to create a similar one and set it's position to X:157, Y:270 (note that the pasted rectangle might appear on top of the first one.)

Step 9: Copy and paste this rectangle to create a similar one and set it's position to X:309, Y:437

Step 10: Copy and paste this rectangle to create a similar one and set it's position to X:462, Y:602

Step 11: Copy and paste this rectangle to create a similar one and set it's position to X:621, Y:767

Step 12: Copy and paste this rectangle to create a similar one and set it's position to X:771, Y:917. This one should be touching the right border of the canvas.

Step 13: Copy and paste this rectangle to create a similar one and set it's position to X:621, Y:1082

Step 14: Copy and paste this rectangle to create a similar one and set it's position to X:462, Y:1249

Step 15: Copy and paste this rectangle to create a similar one and set it's position to X:309, Y:1414

Step 16: Copy and paste this rectangle to create a similar one and set it's position to X:157, Y:1579

Step 17: Copy and paste this rectangle to create a similar one and set it's position to X:0, Y:1744

Step 18: Export his image as a PNG by opening the hamburger menu (3 bars) at the top left of the program, and selecting: Export > All artboards

Step 19: Email the PNG file to

Step 20: Congragulations you're done!